
Left: Untitled. Centre: Dying with a View of the Vagina. Right: Untitled. (Also: Claustrophobic Coitus. One.) Other art works by Jessi Reaves.

Top left: Portrait V. Top right: Bra. Bottom left: Untitled. Bottom right: Rain On pane. Installation try-out. Front: book salt by Pieter Slagboom.

Book salt by Pieter Slagboom at Bridget Donahue. Page 93. (Untitled)

Poetic Flesh (also: Feminist Giving Birth to a Baby Boy) In progress.

Installing Saturated Manuscript. Pictured Bridget Donahue.

Installing Saturated Manuscript. Pictured Bridget Donahue, Erin Leland and Nik Planck.

99 Bowery, New York City.

Bridget Donahue with Fingers II

Gregory Carideo in overview.

Erin Leland with Toes.